Sunday 12 December 2010

Screen Shot 1: Importing File

In this screenshot, the 'Yo Mama' JPEG file has been imported into the Google SKP model and scaled to the size in which it will be put onto the cup.

Implementation of Design on Google SKP

Through using Google Sketchup, I have utilized my previuosly finished model and implemented the graphics of the 'Yo Mama' brand noto the cup. Firstly, I imported the JPEG file of the logo and thereafter, in SKP, resized, rotated reflected, extruded and then saved it as a paint and filled itonto a square box on the surface of the cup. The following screenshots show the main steps of this process. A blog post per screen shot will describe the process in detail.

Monday 22 November 2010

Second of Two Poster Designs

Here is my second poster design; focusing on a more mature audience with the simplicity of black and white. Though effective contrast, this draws the audience and customers into the poster. Typography plays and important role as it navigates the customer around the poster. As Yo Mama emphasizes on health, the lemon created earlier is posted in the poster and the catch phrase "Some things can't be your health" is put into use in this poster. To create the black and white effect, I altered curves,overlay and luminescent settings on the layers to generate the effect.
This poster all in all is generated to involve a maturer, older audience.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Final Cup Design on Sketchup

After receiving Ivy's advice, I have decided on a cup to bring forward along with the advert package. The simplicity of Cup 4 (From the Left) brings an all-seasonal and multi purpose cup, yet redefining design as the form factor is simple yet different from conventional cups. There is a slot all around the cup for clipping in a spork (spoon and fork) and also holding some tissue so that the customer only needs to use to worry about holding the spork and the cup and not an extra tissue. Also, when the customer is on the move, they could clip the spork and tissue back in and easily carry around the froyo cup with ease.

For the Server: Furthermore, the rim or the top of the cup is wider than the bottom so that there is leeway and more space for the server when sprinkling the toppings, as current cups have narrower mouths; which leads to the server being more tedious and less efficient when there is a high customer demand at certain times of the day. As the bottom of the cup is deep with a smaller diameter of the cup, most of the froyo can be contained there and the top or wider bit of the cup can be used for plainly toppings or more froyo if needed.

Snapshots of the Cup in Sketchup 8:

Monday 1 November 2010

One of Two Final Designs for All-Season Advert Purposes

Here is my first final outcome based on Ivy's advice to make the poster suitable all year round. This is part 1 of the advert package (poster 1) and incorporates the use of Yo Mama's corporate colors of pink and baby blue. This is immediately recognized when put inside a store as the interior design is styled to fit the colors. Furthermore, a background repetitive pattern is used to emphasize and draw the eye in. I used Illustrator CS3 for the pattern and used the line tool to create triangles and made multiple of those. Once they were put into a row, I copied, rotates and pasted them to give the alternating zig zag effect. Patterns are universal and are effective across all age ranges.

For the text, I used photoshop to merge the vector and text together. The spilled milk symbolizes that the froyo is not just milk and that it is BETTER. Since "Yo Mama" is a pun, it is used in the advert scheme that promotes the viewers to actually o down to the store to se what is different about Yo Mama's Froyo and milk. Lastly, the "rawr" logo previously seen has been implemented into the design through "luminescent" effect to make the logo blend in.

Monday 18 October 2010

Client's reply and constructive criticism on initial designs

Finally, Ivy replied the email and gave some advice and restated the aims of the visual designs in her short, but precise email. Now I can finish designing the final product for Yo Mama and also, stamp the new design onto a mockup display and cup :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Mmmmonster- Froyo Serving Cup Redesigns

After collecting ideas, 6 outcomes have been produce as I wait for Ivy's response to the poster designs. The six designs all have a concentration of their form-factor being less cylindrical and container like- yet able to contain the yoghurt and toppings without spilling over. Secondly, grip has been though about in the designs, ensuring that they won't slip out of the customer's hands. Lastly, 2 cups have slits in their design to slot in the forks and napkins so that the customer would not need to go though the fuss of holding the cold froyo with a napkin in the other hand as everything is stored into one. Since there is time, one of these designs will be taken forward to be a part of the advert package with a redesign of the froyo cup.

Below is a screenshot of the Designs:

Monday 27 September 2010

Research work in the meanwhile... Cup Designs

Even though I do not neccesarily need to design the froyo cup again, I looked at some ideas for inspiration that I could involve in the advert project if I have enough time. Ergonomics, Style and sense of humor is what makes these designs effective and I took a look at them to see how I could (once again if I had time) restyle the form of the cup.


Some creative phrases or catch phrases are also useful on the cup to make the customer give more credit or think about the branding of the company? i.e a joke could boost the companies receptors?

Sunday 19 September 2010

Initial 3D CAD Visualizations for the Cup

I have experimented with Google Sketchup 8 (A CAD software) to replicate the Yo MaMa cup in the 3D world. For this preliminary trial I have used the Line Tool, The Circle Tool and the "Follow Me" Revolve tool in the software.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Ivy's Email Reply-Improvements for Final Design

As Ivy is my client, I have finally received some feedback after the design proposals have been sent off to her. Above are screenshots of the communication between myself and the client. However, her response did not explain what I needed to do to improve it, therefore, another email was sent out so that she can make a response to the designs.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Design Presentation

The design of the product can be presented in many ways, including simple elements from the poster being adapted onto the cup graphics and window display/MTR billboard display. This would ultimately bring together the brand experience and reinforce their corporate direction and imagery for fro-yo that suits all ages and suits the fun aswell as the health conscious.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Summer Update

Over summer, I have not only been waiting for Ivy's reply, but analyzing existing MTR billboard adverts and adverts on buses and around town. Here is some analysis of existing products.

The photo above shows a Sony Ericsson billboard on a building in Mong Kok. Large scale posters can be really effective due to the large visuals of text, imagery and color on a plain cement/building colored background. However, this can be quite expensive for a smaller company, and less renowned businesses. Therefore, this format of advertising would not be feasible for Yo Mama. An alternative is MTR Billboards, posted around certain MTR Stations in Hong Kong. This could be a way forward for Yo Mama as JCDecaux statistics shows that:
"MTR advertising delivers a quality audience:
Young - 61% of all 15 - 24 year olds travel on the MTR.
61% of all 15 - 34 year olds travel on the MTR.
Better Educated - 58% of all people educated to a post secondary level or above, travel on the MTR.
More Upscale - 73% of all people earning a monthly personal income of at least HK$20,000 travel on the MTR."
As Yo Mama has a large target audience range, this idea can really boost their commercial reception also due to the passenger flow of 2.8M people per week and the MTR's 54% coverage rate in Hong Kong.

As researched earlier, there are a few options for smaller businesses, such as JCDecaux's 4 sheet panel to in-train cards.

For Mocking up the display, JCDecaux has a website that has photos for potential clients to use as mockups.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Another Email to Ivy and Her Response

This log records my recent email to Ivy and her promt response (: Finally. From here, the email log shows that I will only send her the 3 original developments and the adjustments should be seeked on this blog page (:

Saturday 3 July 2010

Over Summer and Y10 Progress Review

Over Year 10, I have come up with 3 initial designs that are being brought currently to the client to be reflected upon for improvements and are currently awaiting her reply. After the reply has been made, I will go deeper into the specs of the poster and the graphics that will adron the cup. Here is a Jing File of some adjustments and my relevant understanding of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Designs of Posters (Idea 3: Yo Mama Monster)

With this design, I have recreated the mascot for Yo Mama to induce a more child/teen audience to be attracted to this new brand of Fro-yo. The design retains the color scheme of Yo Mama however, and emphasizes once again its healthier properties than ice-cream.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Designs of Posters (Idea 2: Yo Mama Clouds)

The following designs go for a more creative and child oriented approach through using the idea of Fro-yo in clouds and color to convey to the audience what the Brand is really about: Having fun and fun through health. There is also an emphasis on the Yogurt's lower cholesterol levels and their avoidance to use artificial flavors and colors. Notice the change in the catch phrase in the 2 designs. Personally, i find both of them visually striking through the uses of the background cool and foreground/text warm colors which brings out the text.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Designs of Posters (Idea 1: Lemon Barcode)

Taking into account Yo Mama's emphasis for health in it's products, the following 3 design variations of a barcoded lemon reflect that exact need: to promote awareness that Fro-yo is a healthier option. These are initial designs and I have created them through the uses of Photoshop and Illustrator.

Friday 28 May 2010

Reconnection with the Client

Today, I have sent an email to Ms.Lai of Yo Mama to find a time in the summer where she could review my products I have created for any comments before the making process commences in the 3rd Term of school. Below is a screeb grab of the email I have sent today.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Poster Design Developments

The scan shows initial development of ideas which will be taken into account through it's presentation as a digital vector file. This will reflect the programs I have used to create the adverts and will also show my relevant skill in using Photoshop and also Illustrator.

These initial designs take aboard expressing Yo Mama's brand identity and target market as a broad age range through visual media.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Slight Project Adjustment

From a lesson I had last Friday, my teacher and I have decided to cut out the creation of a video as it would take too long and is not a necessity; in which he would rather me create a few different poster adverts conveying the same design or aim of the advert. So hereafter, the video clip design will be scrapped and only the In-store advert, MTR Billboard advert and product repackaging will be carried on.

Collection of Billboard and Advert Analysis

On the current Hong Kong market, the company JC Decaux provide spaces for advertizing campagins in various formats, for example on buses, escalators, and inside MTR Trains and stations. This post will be about analyzing each pro and con of these places and how they could affect the "effectiveness" of the advertising.

On my own experiences as a potential customer, the escalator billboards down the MTR are quite effective as there is nothing to do, hence catchy information and bright colors bring the customers eye to the poster when the escalator slowly goes up/down. Even though they are small, they can catch the most attention as there are no huge billboards nearby and for small companies, theses are more profitable and create a more financially stable investment into advertising. However, the trackside billboards create a large promotional surface where it could have a potential advantage of attracting customers from a further field of view. But for a smaller comapany, it may not be the most affordable solution.

Apart from MTR Billboards, Bus adverts and Bus stop adverts also provide a moving advertisement where the ad can be brought along the way the buses operate; creating a visual showcase of graphical and interesting adverts. These however are quite expensive as it will cover all lateral and internal spaces of the bus creating a costly, but effective promotion.

Plasma TV Adverts create more oppurtunities and designs of which a company could adapt through digital media in which presents a more modern image and corporate brand which is useful for consumer and other electrical baased IT Service companies. Also, the moving images create an imapct to the audience which they are attracted to due to the animation. But, this may be quite expensive and according to the price charts (To be attached below) it shows the price listings of the adverts.

Hence, in conclusion, I will create an in-station billboard which is one sheet across; either the concourse 4 sheet or 12 sheet layout as the MTR has a high passenger flow and will be visible from the by-passers with ease

Tuesday 20 April 2010

More Pictures Involving the Exploded Cup!!

Here are the Cup Dimension Measurements that could not be attached to the previous blog post! These are the raw details and measurements conducted.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Yo Mama Cup Dimensions and Investigation into Materials

Due to a high work load, Ms.Lai has not replied yet as I have seen and asked her at the IFC Yo Mama. Updated info will arrive soon (:
The packaging of the cup has just arrived, detailed analysis will be conducted here.

From the cup that Ms.Lai had kindly donated, the exploded dimensions and photographs are attached below for the creation of the Corel Draw File as the Template.

Base: Circle
Radius: 4.5 cm
Diameter: 9 cm

Cup Height: Arc
Height: 8 cm
Length: 29 cm

There is also a reinforcement which utilizes 1 cm of the height for the rim in which created a more sturdy cup for the user. Also, there are more than 2 glue tabs, in which could be changed into slit locks etc, which can be a con of this design. Below are photos of the exploded cup model and the cup before the de-construction:

These photos depict in REVERSE chronological order:
1) The cup on a lateral axis
2) The cup at an angle displaying the depth of the cup
3)The cup with the rim rolled up (removed)
4) The cup deconstructed template
5)The 2 separate components that make up this cup

Sunday 4 April 2010

Some Exploration of Ideass! (:

Experiment 1: Color contrast and the emphasis of neon like theme colors + lime green
With this experiment, I utilized both Photoshop for the background patterns and Illustrator for the text and brushes to create a color contrast/ playing with color look to this experiment. The patterns in the back make the experiment look more textured and more interesting for the audience to look at and there is a HIDDEN COW (:

Thursday 25 March 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Survey and Collation of Data

From the Survey I have conducted, the results of the 20 people that took part are listed below:

Most Effective type of Advertising:
In-Shop Display-4
MTR Billboard-9
Stand-Drag Poster-2
Reversal Advert (Advert facing the inside of the shop-2
Flyer Promotion-3

Most interesting/What you are drawn to on an advert
Real-life image-2
Font and Typography-5

How often do you eat Frozen Yogurt?
Once a Week-15
Once a Month-2

When do you normally eat Fro-yo (Time of Day)
Morning (0600-1200)-2
Afternoon (1201-1800)-10
Evening and Night (1800-0000)-8

Which Season would you eat Fro-yo the most?

From these results, it provides me a guideline to when the advert should be posted up and what time there is a gap in the market in which could promote more people to come to eat Fro-yo at Yo Mama; or example- The morning? It could be a great morning boost with it;s nutrients in Fro-yo

Monday 15 March 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: 3.2 Requesting the dimensions of yogurt cup currently in use

A small email sent to Ms.Lai requesting the size of the Yogurt cups for reference and to answer 3.2 of the project requirements

ICT IEA Diploma: 3.2 Input and Output Requirements

This section discusses the input and output requirements for successful completion of the services provided for the client.

The Input Requirements for a Poster are:
Graphical Images of the new flavor
Color to evoke corporate image
Text for brief info on the product
Address of shops and contact information

The Output for the Poster Are:
An Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop File
An A3/A2 Sized poster available for print and display in shops

The Input Requirements for a Cup Graphics are:
Has a graphical connection to the poster
Graphical Images of the new flavor
Color to evoke corporate image
Text for brief info on the product
Address of shops and contact information

The Output for the Cup Graphics are:
An Adobe Illustrator File
A Net of the cup with the graphic printed onto it for promotional and normal uses for serving customers

The Input Requirements for the Video Clip are:
Have a physical graphical representation and cross-links to the poster and cup
Cow "moo" sounds
Ambient music background
The graphics will be composed of:
Pictures of the Yo Mama shop in Central taken with a KM 5D DSLR
Transition slides and include the graphical promotion of the cow

The Output for the Video Clip are:
Cyberlink Power director or Sony Vegas file, and the animations will be produced with the same programs.
Format will be MPEG or .mp4 format

Saturday 6 March 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Investigation Into Problem (Dimensions, Costs and Materials) for Advert and Product Packaging

Firstly, I will research the normal size and dimensions that a typical yogurt container will be and list the materials and costs used to make it. Yo Mama currently uses a

1) 6 OZ cup for their Regular size, measuring diameter 3.5" x 2" high and can be stacked and packed into 500's/ box and

2) Large size measuring 3.5 " x 3" high holding maximum 12 OZ.

As a reference price, the website states the 6 OZ (177ml) cups are 65USD for 500 cups and 12 OZ (354ml) ones are 75USD for 500 cups, exchanging to roughly 520 HKD AND 600 HKD respectively.
source: (
The final size of the cup will be confirmed with Yo Mama once they return the email, or whenever I pass by their store this week.
Incase there is a choice to support Asia and China's economy, the cups can be made in China with the following dimensions:

*PE Coating is paper which is coated with polyethylene by extrusion coating process. It will have a shiny appearance on the coated side but will not have gloss levels comparable to glossy or machine glazed paper.PE Coated paper tend to curl because dead fold characteristics of this weakens due to poly coating (when compared to raw paper) and also is not as easily biodegraded due to the plastic coating, in a sense that it will not be a sensible material to use as the cup will most certainly be thrown away after use, so a more eco-friendly alternative is needed. Either to keep the packaging to plain card paper or not use paper cups at all.

Capacity :320ml
Dimensions: 73x94x72mm (H*TOP*BOTTOM)
Material: 230g+12gPE to 350f+18g PE, High quality food grade cardboard
Single PE or Double PE Coating

Friday 5 March 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Investigation Notes from Previous Interview

From the notes recorded here, they relate to the previous discussion on Yo Mama's promotional technique and is a visual evidence of the interview

Thursday 4 March 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Investigation (Section 3.2)Proposed Product or Service

The objectives of the project is to present Yo Mama with a new product and advert package to promote a new flavor off their production line. In order to promote the new product, I will need to create an advert package which composes of a new product packaging for the cup designed specifically for the launch of the new flavor, a poster which will be stuck inside the store promoting the flavor and also a short 30 second clip promoting the flavor. With a whole set of adverts, it will promote the product to the audience and persuade them to try as they will see it over and over again in places.

The sucess criterea of the product packaging are:
-Holds the frozen yogurt
-Does not freeze the consumer's hands,
-Easy to hold
-Retain normal Yo MaMa cup, but with additional graphics
-Retain most of Yo Mama's corporate colors
-Induce intresting graphics via Adobe Illustrator and import it into a Corel Draw net of the Cup
-Sits on a table without wobbling
-Doesn't scartch the consumers hands
-Does not slip out of hands or easily dropped because of awkward shapes

The sucess criteria of the advert posters are:
-Retains corporate imagery, such as the Cow and Yo Mama text
-Uses mostly the corporate color scheme
-Emphasis on the new flavor of Fro-yo
-Include address or simple location of the shops
-Include telephone number of the shop

The sucess criteria of the 30sec movie clip is:
-Retains corporate imagery
-use sounds (such as the moo of a cow" to convey the brand name and the brand imagery of a cow
-Use corporate color scheme
-Be 30secs max.
-Include the Yo MaMa website at the end

With all these sucess criterion implanted, it will help strucutre my final peice of the design package with more ease and to know exactly whai I need to do and include for the presentation of the final idea.

Yippy (:

Sunday 21 February 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Investigation (Section 3.1)Investigation into the problem

The aim for this project is to create a distinct new type of packaging and advert package along with onscreen visuals to promote a new product from the Yo Mama company. One of the most important aims is to draw attention to the Yo Mama brand name by incorporating the current strategies in use by Yo Mama (as discussed early)such as putting emphasis on color, simple yet easily remembered visuals and store concepts and designs. The situation is to create a new image of the company and present it to my target audience of teenagers and adults who indulge and wish to relax in the presence of yogurt. Also, I am aiming to present a fun, unique and exciting product advert and packaging campaign to attract customers in to visit the store. One main goal is to produce an even more attractive advert scheme than any of Yo Mama's competitors.

As observed from many of the companies many other competitors, their adverts often bring across their color scheme and font type to the customer in posters and adverts which emphasizes the corporate identity. So through the catchy colors, I could incorporate this into the advert design which boldly emphasizes Yo Mama's identity as a brand, yet bring across new ideas or a new product across to the customers. With the cup packaging, it should bring across elements from the poster onto the design of the special cup which promotes the new product more physically and lastly with the video advert, it will once against highlight Yo Mama's main colors and also have a link between the advert, poster, and video ad to strengthen the corporate identity and forge a concept of the company into a consumer.

To find out what will bring out the best results on the poster advert I will create a questionnaire to reflect on people's views on how adverts and companies catch their eyes when they go by and which elements are they attracted to (perhaps the color, the graphics or the font itself in catchy phrases?)

What makes a good poster?

"Posters are seen by the target audience for only a few seconds – usually as the drive or walk past. They should be put up on poles next to busy roads or on walls and windows of shops where passers by can see them. It is important that they are as large and as bold as possible so that they attract attention and can be read easily. Here are some useful tips for producing good posters:

Make the posters as large as possible - they should not be smaller than A2 (4 x a normal A4 page)

Keep the writing as big as possible so that people can read it easily from about 10 metres away

Use as few words as possible - avoid using full sentences. For example "Unite against Child Abuse" instead of "Let us unite in the fight against Child Abuse"

Use colour if you can afford it – it make your poster stand out and attract more attention

Do not put too many words and images on your poster – it may be beautiful, but if the design is too busy the most important information may not get through to the audience

Make sure that the poster is easily recognised as belonging to your organisation by using your logo, colours or the abbreviation of your organisation’s name

Posters are generally very expensive to print but you can make them by hand by using koki pens or paint. If you have access to a silkscreen printer, you can also print posters yourself. A few well made beautiful posters can be much more effective than 100s of small ones that nobody notices. If you want to print posters it will cost you R2 - R4 per poster depending on the size and quality of paper you print it on. If the paper is thin you usually also have to use cardboard to stick the poster onto and this will add at least another R1 to the cost. Posters are best used for advertising events or for popularising a short slogan that will get support for your cause or organisation."


What makes a Good Fro-Yogurt Packaging (Cup)?

If your target audience wants to feel they’re saving money then making your product look cheaper using plain packaging and a 'No Frills' message would be right - the reality is that the packaging 'origination costs' will bear little or no impact on the product price but it makes the product feel cheaper.
Most consumers like to try new things and the only way to buy something that is worth their investment is through the depiction of the design or image of the packaging. Be creative in your packaging to help better impress potential consumers to buy your product.
Creative packaging help breaks the consumer’s fear of a bad purchase. It also opens the door for products to be tried at least once from first time users. Packaging is a crucial element that can’t be neglected.
If consumers only spend 10 seconds then they get a lot of information about a product by just looking at the pictures on the packaging than from reading the text. Colour can also convey a message about your product and shortcut communication with consumers. Though be aware, colour has different meanings in different cultures so it needs to be researched. Where text is used, make it easy to read and use language that connects with the target audience.
With only 10 seconds, consumers will generally go with what they’re familiar with. However, in the absence of relevance the consumer will always fall back on price. If a consumer has seen your product in advertising they feel that they already know what it can do for them, they will be more likely to buy your product. If you're going to get the biggest bang for your marketing Rial then everything from the company’s ads, branding and packaging must carry the same and consistent message.
The best examples of this are squeezy ketchup bottles and plastic toothpaste tubes - the physical and practical packaging is as important as the aesthetics. It must add to the positive experience of using the product. At the end of the day, it has to be easy to open and easy to use."


Saturday 20 February 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Investigation (Section 3.1) Background Research into Yo Mama

As a base, I will firstly introduce the client and a detailed investigation into Yo Mama from the notes jotted down from the interview in December.

Yo Mama's concept has derived from the Yogurt Bars and Ice Cream Parlors dotted around San Diego and San Francisco in the USA and emphasizes on the simplicity of the brand product itself with a limited range of colors that are eye-catching, complimentary and interesting to reflect the bright flavors and colors of the parlors and ice cream, even though they sell yogurt. The reason they do this is perhaps to lure customers in from it's poppy bright colors and to realize it's not ice cream and persuade them to try it as they emphasize the health factor of "0.25% fat" for the healthy consumers nowadays. Their corporate colors include baby blue (turquoise), baby pink, baby green and white and are reflected on the cow image the put forward for company brand-name emphasis as it is easy to remember as the brand name is short, catchy, utilizes simple and complimentary colors and a simple yet cute imagery. All of the above helps the corporate image stick in the consumer's head.

Secondly, obtained from the interview; according to the store manager, the company's target market is everyone and puts emphasis on a comfortable and happy environment as she expressed that even some elderly citizens in Hong Kong visit the store as a healthy alternative to the usual ice cream treat as frozen yogurt is more natural and contains less fats. Even though they use very child-hood reflecting imagery with the colors, the company wants to be a place where everyone can relax and a place of simplicity, hence what will be reported next: Flavors.

Unlike it's competitors such as Berrygood, Pinkberry and Yogurtime, they only use 2 flavors (Original-Tart like taste and Green Tea) and try to create more toppings as the owner (Ms.Suen) reflects that there are too many flavors in normal ice cream and yogurt shops and not enough toppings to choose from and to differentiate Yo Mama from the rest, she keeps the flavors relatively limited and widens the variety of toppings so that the consumer can further "customize" the fro-yo to their tastes. They do occasionally sell a 3rd flavor, but thats reserved for special dates and occasions such as Christmas and Valentines Day perhaps as an act to attract customers to try the new flavor. All in all, Yo Mama likes to keep things quite simple but unique in choice to help customers customize the yogurt they're eating to their own tastes. Also, they import their yogurt from Italy

Finally a quote from the store manager herself (Ms.Lai): "Yogurt= Everyone Loves. Its healthy and Pure!"

Friday 22 January 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Software Facilities

For my product (Advert project) I will be utilizing Adobe Photoshop CS4 along with Illustrator to create the final advert product. With the use of these programs, I can easily draft and send copies to the client for easier transfer instead of using traditional methods of hand drawn designs and the CAD will make the final product seem more realistic and professionally refined. These software programs are suitable as they are aimed at digital and graphical designing and in this instance fits perfectly into a new poster design for the company. Also with these programs, the client can send me the color scheme and I can easily import and imply those colors onto the design, making a much more efficient and timesaving process for color rendering. Also, as Illustrator produces vector images, the scale of the design can be enlarged into a larger scale for display without interfering the quality and lines of the designs as vector images do not become pixelated as they are composed of mathematical line curves instead of pixels and bitmaps, which compose to make a photograph. Even though vector images lack depth opposed to bitmap images, this is a graphical poster so depth is not an important factor as there are other priorities; such as color scheming and designing the decals and implying text and logos etc.

An alternative are the Corel Design Suite programs such as Photo-paint and Draw and capture, but they lack the ease of use and has less styles of brushes opposed to the more widely used Adobe products. Also, it is a lot more creative and easy to use as you can adjust tones, gradients and have more options to change colors and shades as well as creating your own brushes.

ICT IEA Diploma: Hardware Facilities

For the successful completion of the final advert project, the hardware requirements are as follows:

Designer (Me):
Paper (For drafting and designing designs)
Color Pencils
Pantone Markers
Camera ( To record the drafting processes and upload onto coputer for redering using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS4)Konica Minolta Dynax 5D (6 MegaPixels)
Printer for printing out initial designs
USB for storing images and drafts for protable access

User (Client):
Printer (For printing out poster)
USB Drive (To read the documents on my USB)
Advert Processor
Camera for recording data
(The two above to post in or around the shop)

With all the minimal requirements as a laptop and printer for hardware, this should be sufficient for succesful completion of the advert project.

Thursday 14 January 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Requesting use of corporate image/logo

Today, I sent an email to Ms.Lai of Yo Mama requesting the use of their coroprate logo for the poster/advert design.

Friday 8 January 2010

ICT IEA Diploma: Time plan/Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart timeline plan for my coursework and preparations tasks I need to perform before the end of 2010.