Tuesday 5 October 2010

Mmmmonster- Froyo Serving Cup Redesigns

After collecting ideas, 6 outcomes have been produce as I wait for Ivy's response to the poster designs. The six designs all have a concentration of their form-factor being less cylindrical and container like- yet able to contain the yoghurt and toppings without spilling over. Secondly, grip has been though about in the designs, ensuring that they won't slip out of the customer's hands. Lastly, 2 cups have slits in their design to slot in the forks and napkins so that the customer would not need to go though the fuss of holding the cold froyo with a napkin in the other hand as everything is stored into one. Since there is time, one of these designs will be taken forward to be a part of the advert package with a redesign of the froyo cup.

Below is a screenshot of the Designs:

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