Sunday 9 May 2010

Collection of Billboard and Advert Analysis

On the current Hong Kong market, the company JC Decaux provide spaces for advertizing campagins in various formats, for example on buses, escalators, and inside MTR Trains and stations. This post will be about analyzing each pro and con of these places and how they could affect the "effectiveness" of the advertising.

On my own experiences as a potential customer, the escalator billboards down the MTR are quite effective as there is nothing to do, hence catchy information and bright colors bring the customers eye to the poster when the escalator slowly goes up/down. Even though they are small, they can catch the most attention as there are no huge billboards nearby and for small companies, theses are more profitable and create a more financially stable investment into advertising. However, the trackside billboards create a large promotional surface where it could have a potential advantage of attracting customers from a further field of view. But for a smaller comapany, it may not be the most affordable solution.

Apart from MTR Billboards, Bus adverts and Bus stop adverts also provide a moving advertisement where the ad can be brought along the way the buses operate; creating a visual showcase of graphical and interesting adverts. These however are quite expensive as it will cover all lateral and internal spaces of the bus creating a costly, but effective promotion.

Plasma TV Adverts create more oppurtunities and designs of which a company could adapt through digital media in which presents a more modern image and corporate brand which is useful for consumer and other electrical baased IT Service companies. Also, the moving images create an imapct to the audience which they are attracted to due to the animation. But, this may be quite expensive and according to the price charts (To be attached below) it shows the price listings of the adverts.

Hence, in conclusion, I will create an in-station billboard which is one sheet across; either the concourse 4 sheet or 12 sheet layout as the MTR has a high passenger flow and will be visible from the by-passers with ease

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