Wednesday 16 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Interview Pictures

ICT IEA Diploma: The Clarification and Interview :)

One day before my scheduled meeting, Ms.Suen sent me and email clarifying the terms and conditions of our meeting and to emphasize the co-operation is for my school project only. (As diagram 1 show below)

(Email sent from Ms.Suen, making clarifying points about the meeting and the co-operation)

Just Yesterday, I went down to meet Ms.Ivy Lai at the Yo Mama Wanchai store with my classmate Sisi and had a very successful conversation with Ms.Lai about our co-operation throughout this 2 year project we are piloting with them. From the interview, I have concluded on a few decisions.

1) Pilot many advert campaigns working up to a Final Product by the Spring 2011.
2) Complete the Valentines Day advert program before Feb 1st, 2010
3) Learn from mistakes and a possible merge with Sisi as will be investigating flavors and I will be only focused on Advertising and Product Packaging and produce a final "Combined Product" for Yo Mama; still focusing on our separate designing and concepts for Yo Mama and our final ideas.
4) !!! Retain color scheme and emphasize the corporate logo on the advert scheme(s)
5) Be creative!!!

Photographs and the clip of the 30 min interview will be posted on a separate entry.
From now on, until FEB 1st 2010, my focus will be on producing an ADVERT scheme for Yo Mama with the theme of Valentines Day.

Yippers (:

Sunday 13 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma:Justification of an ICT solution

For providing an attractive, professional and eye-catching advert and product packaging requires and ICT solution as it provides a very professional and fine-finished look of the advertised item the company wants to display as hand-drawn adverts do work, but to an extent where coloring may give un-even shading to an object and where objects don't look like what they are supposed to be as hand drawn "interpretations" can be out of scale. Using ICT as a medium and utilizing Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, I can design the advert and packaging with precision and I can also ask for corporate permission to use their logo and other trademarks so that the advert will be realistic and can be used if desired by the company. Also, because a new product packaging will be made, the use of CAD and CAM process also allows me to design the new packaging and give mass production of the same scale, so that the packaging won't differ in scale and size, as to a drawn and hand made design and simplifies the step of needing to repeat a template; as if it was a hand drawn and hand made packaging. With the use of ICT, it will simplify the process and allow the company, if desired to continue to reuse the design as it is saved, instead of needing to constantly repeat templates to remake the original design, of both the packaging and the advert I will design for them.

For other social and legal implements of using ICT to provide advert and packaging solutions, the same "Simpler" step is provided by ICT so that the company would not need to repeat steps and measures done before to recreate an original design and also, for social implements, adverts and posters will be posted around HK and many will be needed to be made, so from that it requires mass production of a same size, same scale and same design, so saving it on a computer and utilizing ICT can help do that and also, if there is any editing needed, the user can retain the original design without repeating it and perhaps re-shape the design border or outline to fit the advert into it';s surroundings without needing to repeat the process; as if it was done by hand and designed by hand. Not only does this save time, but is very efficient for the everyday business lives of companies and their advert campaigns as well. With the connectivity of ICT mediums and the ease to transfer from one machine/program to another, it is ideal for companies to design packaging and adverts using ICT as it can be easily modified and changed without needing to waste precious time repeating and reprinting the same design.

Yippers (=

ICT IEA Diploma: Response, Response, Response!! (=

Today, I received a couple of emails from Ms.Suen regarding our interview and meet up schedule on Tuesday, the 15th of December. The final confirmed meeting place is at Star Street Yo Mama to meet up with Ms.Ivy Lai and chat about the progress of this Diploma. Below are a chain of conversations that I had with Ms.Suen about confirming the details of this meet-up.

My responses were to make sure that and clarify where we are going to meet up, just incase there were any misconceptions about where we meet up on Tuesday, otherwise everything went very smoothly and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Further more, at 10:57 today Ms.Suen confirmed my reply which wrote:

Candice Suen
Pls meet ms lai. Sorry for the confusion.

Once again, I am very grateful for this oppurtunity and will try my best to do the best I can to prove my talent not only to the examiner and Yo Mama, but mostly to myself.

Yippers (=

Friday 11 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Users and processing requirements

In order for a sucessful completion and solution for the project, I will need to use Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Corel Draw for my aid to draft, and refine my ideas for this advert and new packaging for the sales of the Fro-yo cup of Yo Mama. The user will need to print off the design onto their product's cup net and fold the fro=yo cup into the cylindrical shape before any content is put into the cup. Also, for the advert poster, the client will also need to print of a large scale of the design on suitable paper that they can display around Hong Kong; eg. in MTR Stations, Roadshow Signs and infront of their shops.

The Processes for me are as follows:

After researching and evaluating some existing designs, I will need to request permission to use some corporate logos and images from Yo Mama and create a design that suits their specification, which will be written down on paper once I meet up with thier Supervising Manager, Ms.Ivy.

Later on, I will create 3 design drafts and bring it into Yo Mama for them to evaluate and comment on

Soon After, I'll redraft and conintue this process until a satisfactory final design for the product packaging is complete. From that design, It will link up with the advertising campaign as they will share common graphics, to show the link between the 2 designs, and a strong corporate image.

Soon after the final design for both a printed out and sent to Yo Mama, I will ask permission from Yo Mama to post up these designs on the windows and walls of their 2 shops in WanChai and Ifc and try to promote their fro-yo products.

For the client:

Once the prototyping has finished and the final design is completed, they will need to hold a copy of my design and print out and edit it as tehy would wish to promote the product and scale the cup graphic to fit on the redesigned cup they will hop the fro-yo in.

From this, the solution is likely to be used and hopefully a prolonged campaigin for Yo Mama's new products, or just purely to boost their corporate image.

Yippy (=

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Ict IEA Diploma: Reply from Yo Mama! (Pictures and Evidence)

(Image 2, The response from Yo Mama)
(Image 1, My Personal Responses to Yo Mama)

ICT IEA Diploma: Reply from Yo Mama!

Today, I just received a late email from Yo Mama HK regarding my request to launch this project with their company, and to my surprise, they replied!
The email wrote:

I am very sorry this is so late. I have been away from Hong Kong for a month. If you would like to do this still, please email me directly at You can work with our supervising manager, Ivy as well.

With thanks,

Candice Suen

Director of Yo Mama"

As shocked as I would be I replied to the given email address by Ms.Suen and at 1700, replied and wrote:

"Dear Ms.Suen,

Many thanks for your kind regards to my email and I will be more than happy to receive feedback from your company and develop a new packaging and advertisement project for Yo Mama. I am very grateful for this opportunity and hope to get in touch with your company as soon as possible as it will benefit both my progress work for this diploma and help advertise your irresistible yet healthy range of frozen yoghurt products.
I will be free any day after 1520 as school finishes at that time.

Thank you and Best Regards,

Yip-Wing SIU
West Island School Student, Class 10H2"

So from the response, I hope to be able to get on with the project successfully within this 2 year frame. I have sent these ewmails to Candice to confirm my intrest in the project and to firm details for the progression of the advert ad product packaging campaign.


Friday 27 November 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: A Week Later (: Experimentation

It has been a few weeks since I updated this blog, due to distractions from Horizons Week, but over the past week, I have been experimenting and developing designs and ideas for a new product packaging. I am now more familiar with Photoshop than before and can process and draftl, then design new ideas very efficiently (: Also, I have recently signed up to DeviantArt and I am exploring the diffrent medias and gettting inspiration from other's work.

I still haven't called Yoghurt Time yet,but I plan to do so over the weekend to see if I get a response.

Yip-Wing (=

Friday 6 November 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Any Responses?!

After waiting a week for Yo Mama's response, nothing turned up in my email inbox when I checked, maybe showing their lack of interest in my proposal. As for Kosmo Cafe, the email was rejected automatically when it was sent, showing the was either something wrong with the server or their was filter at the recipient end of the email system. Despite that, I will try to contact either companies personally to see if I can request their feedback and support for this project.

Earlier this afternoon in SOHO, I walked by a frozen yoghurt shop called "YOGURTIME" and went in to have a snack. There, I asked the shopkeeper at the time for any administration staff I can talk to for this project and surprisingly, she gave me the card of the "CEO" of the company and told me to call her in my free time.
The address of this shop is :

No.46 G/F Elgin Street, SOHO
Mid-Levels, Central

I will keep this blog updated for any responses (=

Yip-Wing (=

Friday 30 October 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Contacting Client 2; Yo MAMA Frozen Yoghurt

After my ICT Lesson today and just before break, I sent out a letter to YO MaMa Frozen Yoghurt requesting and promoting myself to them using my school email. The letter is attached below:

from Yip-Wing SIU <>
to ""
date Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:40 AM
subject West Island School Project
hide details 10:40 AM (6 hours ago)
Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Yip-Wing SIU. I am writing to you as a student from West Island School, Hong Kong as I am starting a new diploma for applied ICT skills known as the IEA Diploma.

For my diploma,I am interested in starting a new advertising campaign for one of your products and product packaging or develop a new line of frozen yoghurt and present it to you along with an advert and packaging for the product. I would like to know if I could use you as my client as it is essential to have a client to give me feedback and corrections for this diploma as I will need proof of all conversations and interviews with whomever will be concerned.
Also, not only will this benefit and aid me to pass this diploma with a good mark, this may also help your companie's growth and my experience in the real world.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,
Yip-Wing SIU
Year 10 atudent at West Island School
So I hope to receive their reply soon and make a new post of the results (=
Wish me luck :)

IEA Diploma Project: Finding and Finalzing Client

Today in ICT Class, I started researching the detailes of the two companies I am currently torn between. My first choice would be Kosmos Wellness Cafe in Lan Kwai Fong, Central whereas my second choice would be Yo Mama frozen yoghurt, officed in Sheung Wan. I went on google to find the relative information I will need to make contact with the companies and are listed here below.

1) Kosmos Wellness Cafe

23/F, Onfem Tower, 29 Wyndham Street

Central, Hong Kong



2) YO Mama Frozen Yoghurt

Office Contact

13/F, 17-19 Wing Wo Street

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2547 5000

Fax: +852 2547 6000



During the lesson, I plan to make contact with the two companies by email and wait their pending reply and/or call their offices and request if I can meet with their Head or interview the company as son as possible (:

IEA Diploma Project: Collecting Images of Adverts

Over my half-term, I spent 2 days going into the Heart of Hong Kong; Central and TST to capture some adverts in the MTR Stations, on buildings or on the buses that were effective and catchy for future research and refrence to how and why theyt are so eye-catching and effective, so I can build on that same "good" effect for my advert. Overall, I collected 15 images of very eye-catching. informative and bold adverts to base my approach for this project on: A bold and new advert for a new line of smoothies for my client.
Of the few pictures I took, I found that for an advert to be effective, language should e kept at the minimal, using punchy lines and color should be more vivid so it would catch any passer-by's eyes.

Friday 16 October 2009

IEA Diploma Project (Week 2) One to One Idea Suggestions with Teacher

Today in my ICT lesson, I had a conversation with my ICT teacher (Mr.Lewis) about what to choose for my final project. Overall, I had a few suggestions and modifications from my teacher as for my projects.

For Idea One (Final Idea), Mr. Lewis suggested to add a few more medias to the advertisement package to involve and extra media of ICT to it; making a suggestion of adding a video promotion to run along with the promotion of the product. This would make more work over the time period, but at the same time, may be earning me a few extra points for theme and creativity, so I will carry the extra video promotion along with the project. Depending on the time left for the project, I may also consider producing the smoothie and running tests and responses from my client to add more realism to the project.

As for Idea Two, Mr.Lewis suggested that it may be a harder project as it will need all the synchronizing of the database to the internet to the client and the frequent updates it will need, so he suggested against the idea as it will be very time consuming in such a short time period. Last but not least, for Idea Three, because the product may already be in use in various parts of the world, Mr.Lewis would rather me go for Idea One as it is more time saving, yet spans all of the assessment criteria.

Yip-Wing SIU

Y10 IEA Diploma Project Suggestion Conversation with teacher

Friday 18 September 2009

IEA Project Week 1 (Initial Ideas)

IEA Diploma Initial Ideas (WK 1)

2 weeks ago during our ICT lesson, we were asked to brainstorm 3 ideas in which we would pilot for our final project idea. Mr.Lewis; our IT teacher gave us an idea sheet to help us develop and expand our horizons on the various projects we could embark on. After 45mins of consideration and consolidation of ideas, I came up with 3 ideas; each namingly:

1) An advert and product packaging for a new smoothis product (Developed for Kosmos Wellness Cafe in Hong Kong)

2) A database for a clubhouse to help record personal data and reserve bookings with a mor euser friendly interface

3) A mobile application for Airlines/Bus schedules to aid the client/ audience help plan their time more efficiently and know when and where the bus or flight leaves.

For idea one; my chosen idea, I plan to use Adobe Photoshop CS4 along with Lightroom 2 and Corel Draw X3 to help develop and render the advert for Kosmos and adopt the same design theme for a new packaging for a new product. To achieve this, I will need to interview and ask the company to give me feedback and what their specifications are for the new advert campaign. From this, I will need to do constant updating and changing the design to suit the user; using the 2-3 medias of ICT adopted within. This will give me a chance to show the examiner how I can use the above mediums to help me make the perfect packaging for a client (Kosmos Juice Bar) looking for an advertisement campaign.

Yip-Wing SIU

Y10 IEA Diploma Project Ideas.

Last Edited: 25th September, 2009 17:28