Tuesday 8 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Reply from Yo Mama!

Today, I just received a late email from Yo Mama HK regarding my request to launch this project with their company, and to my surprise, they replied!
The email wrote:

I am very sorry this is so late. I have been away from Hong Kong for a month. If you would like to do this still, please email me directly at Candice@----.com.hk. You can work with our supervising manager, Ivy as well.

With thanks,

Candice Suen

Director of Yo Mama"

As shocked as I would be I replied to the given email address by Ms.Suen and at 1700, replied and wrote:

"Dear Ms.Suen,

Many thanks for your kind regards to my email and I will be more than happy to receive feedback from your company and develop a new packaging and advertisement project for Yo Mama. I am very grateful for this opportunity and hope to get in touch with your company as soon as possible as it will benefit both my progress work for this diploma and help advertise your irresistible yet healthy range of frozen yoghurt products.
I will be free any day after 1520 as school finishes at that time.

Thank you and Best Regards,

Yip-Wing SIU
West Island School Student, Class 10H2"

So from the response, I hope to be able to get on with the project successfully within this 2 year frame. I have sent these ewmails to Candice to confirm my intrest in the project and to firm details for the progression of the advert ad product packaging campaign.


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