Sunday 13 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Response, Response, Response!! (=

Today, I received a couple of emails from Ms.Suen regarding our interview and meet up schedule on Tuesday, the 15th of December. The final confirmed meeting place is at Star Street Yo Mama to meet up with Ms.Ivy Lai and chat about the progress of this Diploma. Below are a chain of conversations that I had with Ms.Suen about confirming the details of this meet-up.

My responses were to make sure that and clarify where we are going to meet up, just incase there were any misconceptions about where we meet up on Tuesday, otherwise everything went very smoothly and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Further more, at 10:57 today Ms.Suen confirmed my reply which wrote:

Candice Suen
Pls meet ms lai. Sorry for the confusion.

Once again, I am very grateful for this oppurtunity and will try my best to do the best I can to prove my talent not only to the examiner and Yo Mama, but mostly to myself.

Yippers (=

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