Friday 30 October 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Contacting Client 2; Yo MAMA Frozen Yoghurt

After my ICT Lesson today and just before break, I sent out a letter to YO MaMa Frozen Yoghurt requesting and promoting myself to them using my school email. The letter is attached below:

from Yip-Wing SIU <>
to ""
date Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:40 AM
subject West Island School Project
hide details 10:40 AM (6 hours ago)
Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Yip-Wing SIU. I am writing to you as a student from West Island School, Hong Kong as I am starting a new diploma for applied ICT skills known as the IEA Diploma.

For my diploma,I am interested in starting a new advertising campaign for one of your products and product packaging or develop a new line of frozen yoghurt and present it to you along with an advert and packaging for the product. I would like to know if I could use you as my client as it is essential to have a client to give me feedback and corrections for this diploma as I will need proof of all conversations and interviews with whomever will be concerned.
Also, not only will this benefit and aid me to pass this diploma with a good mark, this may also help your companie's growth and my experience in the real world.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,
Yip-Wing SIU
Year 10 atudent at West Island School
So I hope to receive their reply soon and make a new post of the results (=
Wish me luck :)

IEA Diploma Project: Finding and Finalzing Client

Today in ICT Class, I started researching the detailes of the two companies I am currently torn between. My first choice would be Kosmos Wellness Cafe in Lan Kwai Fong, Central whereas my second choice would be Yo Mama frozen yoghurt, officed in Sheung Wan. I went on google to find the relative information I will need to make contact with the companies and are listed here below.

1) Kosmos Wellness Cafe

23/F, Onfem Tower, 29 Wyndham Street

Central, Hong Kong



2) YO Mama Frozen Yoghurt

Office Contact

13/F, 17-19 Wing Wo Street

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2547 5000

Fax: +852 2547 6000



During the lesson, I plan to make contact with the two companies by email and wait their pending reply and/or call their offices and request if I can meet with their Head or interview the company as son as possible (:

IEA Diploma Project: Collecting Images of Adverts

Over my half-term, I spent 2 days going into the Heart of Hong Kong; Central and TST to capture some adverts in the MTR Stations, on buildings or on the buses that were effective and catchy for future research and refrence to how and why theyt are so eye-catching and effective, so I can build on that same "good" effect for my advert. Overall, I collected 15 images of very eye-catching. informative and bold adverts to base my approach for this project on: A bold and new advert for a new line of smoothies for my client.
Of the few pictures I took, I found that for an advert to be effective, language should e kept at the minimal, using punchy lines and color should be more vivid so it would catch any passer-by's eyes.

Friday 16 October 2009

IEA Diploma Project (Week 2) One to One Idea Suggestions with Teacher

Today in my ICT lesson, I had a conversation with my ICT teacher (Mr.Lewis) about what to choose for my final project. Overall, I had a few suggestions and modifications from my teacher as for my projects.

For Idea One (Final Idea), Mr. Lewis suggested to add a few more medias to the advertisement package to involve and extra media of ICT to it; making a suggestion of adding a video promotion to run along with the promotion of the product. This would make more work over the time period, but at the same time, may be earning me a few extra points for theme and creativity, so I will carry the extra video promotion along with the project. Depending on the time left for the project, I may also consider producing the smoothie and running tests and responses from my client to add more realism to the project.

As for Idea Two, Mr.Lewis suggested that it may be a harder project as it will need all the synchronizing of the database to the internet to the client and the frequent updates it will need, so he suggested against the idea as it will be very time consuming in such a short time period. Last but not least, for Idea Three, because the product may already be in use in various parts of the world, Mr.Lewis would rather me go for Idea One as it is more time saving, yet spans all of the assessment criteria.

Yip-Wing SIU

Y10 IEA Diploma Project Suggestion Conversation with teacher