Friday, 11 December 2009

ICT IEA Diploma: Users and processing requirements

In order for a sucessful completion and solution for the project, I will need to use Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Corel Draw for my aid to draft, and refine my ideas for this advert and new packaging for the sales of the Fro-yo cup of Yo Mama. The user will need to print off the design onto their product's cup net and fold the fro=yo cup into the cylindrical shape before any content is put into the cup. Also, for the advert poster, the client will also need to print of a large scale of the design on suitable paper that they can display around Hong Kong; eg. in MTR Stations, Roadshow Signs and infront of their shops.

The Processes for me are as follows:

After researching and evaluating some existing designs, I will need to request permission to use some corporate logos and images from Yo Mama and create a design that suits their specification, which will be written down on paper once I meet up with thier Supervising Manager, Ms.Ivy.

Later on, I will create 3 design drafts and bring it into Yo Mama for them to evaluate and comment on

Soon After, I'll redraft and conintue this process until a satisfactory final design for the product packaging is complete. From that design, It will link up with the advertising campaign as they will share common graphics, to show the link between the 2 designs, and a strong corporate image.

Soon after the final design for both a printed out and sent to Yo Mama, I will ask permission from Yo Mama to post up these designs on the windows and walls of their 2 shops in WanChai and Ifc and try to promote their fro-yo products.

For the client:

Once the prototyping has finished and the final design is completed, they will need to hold a copy of my design and print out and edit it as tehy would wish to promote the product and scale the cup graphic to fit on the redesigned cup they will hop the fro-yo in.

From this, the solution is likely to be used and hopefully a prolonged campaigin for Yo Mama's new products, or just purely to boost their corporate image.

Yippy (=

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