Friday, 18 September 2009

IEA Project Week 1 (Initial Ideas)

IEA Diploma Initial Ideas (WK 1)

2 weeks ago during our ICT lesson, we were asked to brainstorm 3 ideas in which we would pilot for our final project idea. Mr.Lewis; our IT teacher gave us an idea sheet to help us develop and expand our horizons on the various projects we could embark on. After 45mins of consideration and consolidation of ideas, I came up with 3 ideas; each namingly:

1) An advert and product packaging for a new smoothis product (Developed for Kosmos Wellness Cafe in Hong Kong)

2) A database for a clubhouse to help record personal data and reserve bookings with a mor euser friendly interface

3) A mobile application for Airlines/Bus schedules to aid the client/ audience help plan their time more efficiently and know when and where the bus or flight leaves.

For idea one; my chosen idea, I plan to use Adobe Photoshop CS4 along with Lightroom 2 and Corel Draw X3 to help develop and render the advert for Kosmos and adopt the same design theme for a new packaging for a new product. To achieve this, I will need to interview and ask the company to give me feedback and what their specifications are for the new advert campaign. From this, I will need to do constant updating and changing the design to suit the user; using the 2-3 medias of ICT adopted within. This will give me a chance to show the examiner how I can use the above mediums to help me make the perfect packaging for a client (Kosmos Juice Bar) looking for an advertisement campaign.

Yip-Wing SIU

Y10 IEA Diploma Project Ideas.

Last Edited: 25th September, 2009 17:28

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